
Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010


Someone said, “Life is not life without colors, and life won’t be rich without differences”. Sounds cliche at first, OK the next, and wise at last.

When you find things went totally changed, 360 flip, you will figure out the real meanings of the statement.

If you see the colors by how different they are one another, then things will be just “different”. But if you see the colors by how they paint the days, then everything will be as beautiful as the...


(it’s me, 25th of March 2010, in the morning, saying this while contemplating the colors of a new world)

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Sakit Hati dan Sakit Gigi

Kalo kata lagu dangdut mah, "lebih baik sakit gigi daripada sakit hati". Kalo kata orang yg lagi sakit gigi, "mendingan sakit hati daripada sakit gigi". Tapi klo kataku hari ini....ga ada yang enak!!! Apalagi kalo sakit hati pas lagi sakit gigi, KACAUU!!!

Pagi-pagi, felt alone in the crowd....

Rame-rame tapi rasanya sendiri, ngobrol sana-sini, tapi pikiran kemana-mana!

What the hell is wrong w/ y? Kok jadi gitu? Kok jadi aku yg jahat? Gak enak tauuuu!!! Maksudnya apa tuh? Dasar Childish?!@#

Pokoknya hari ini bakalan gak enak bawaannya. Dah sakit gigi, sakit hati,....pengen nangis rasanya. Kalo dah gini, mau dokter gigi keluaran Jepang juga dah gak ngefek. STRESS

Where I Belong : shibuya 109

Shibuya 109 aka Ichimarukyu or marukyu

Sehubungan dengan kecintaan saya pada fashion, pop culture-nya jepang, dan belanja, maka wajar klo marukyu jadi pilihan pertama tempat yg bener2 pengen saya datengin. Ada beberapa brand yg barang2nya bikin saya ngiler setengah mati, kayak Liz Lisa, Cecil McBee, ato Baby the Sun Shines Bright...dan masih byk lagi. Suasana yg sering saya liat di beberapa program tv jepang pun inspiratif bgt. Auranya gak seperti mall pd umumnya, tp lebih seperti catwalk dengan paketan yg berbeda. Berbagai macam inovasi ber-fashion yg so stylish bikin imajinasi saya bereaksi cepat hehe. Jangan heran klo skarang, dunia barat pun jadi ikut berkiblat ke fashion jepang dgn sgala kegilaannya. Tapi disinilah serunya.

Lolita style ala BTSSB

Saya suka fashion dr umur balita. JPG, Armani, Versace, dan teman2nya dah familiar skali dikepala saya. Tapi, kemewahan ala Milan dan Paris mudah ditemukan dan diaplikasikan. Istilah awamnya, aman-aman aja. Tapi coba tengok street fashionnya Jepang. Orang kebanyakan pasti langsung menganggap mereka gila. Disinilah saya coba untuk berfilosofi sambil meminjam ungkapannya Coco Chanel (yg saya anggap disainer wanita pemberontak yg sukses bikin cewek makin stylish), Fashion is not about trend, it's about style. Cewek memang selalu ingin kelihatan cantik dan terkesan nge-trend. Jadi, pada umumnya, mereka ketakutan klo tidak ikut trend. Sayangnya, yg beginian bikin org cenderung jadi 'pasaran'. Di jepang, seseorang bukan memilih wardrobe berdasarkan model yg paling banyak dijual di mall ato paling byk dipake org. Disana, mereka make baju yg mereka mau, mereka suka, dan mereka anggap paling bisa represent isi kepala mereka. You are what you wear, istilahnya. You're not what they sell, are you?. Dari sinilah seseorang bisa dibilang punya state of fashion. Dan karena itulah saya kagum dan respect sama pilihan fashion org2 jepang. Mau dibilang aneh, gila, atau konyol, terserah. Tapi, value dibalik cara mereka berpakaian lebih penting buat saya.

Street fashionnya Jepang

Who's The Best???

Mana yang lebih keren?

Saya emang paling cinta sm tokoh Live Action yg satu ini, L dari Live Actionnya Death Note. Sexier than diamond...hwekhwekhwek!!!


Sinjai, 19 Maret 2010, di ruang tengah, di depan TV yang lg nyiarin film thriller yg ga tau apa ceritanya...

Minggu lalu saya sibuk dengan urusan kacang tanahnya Sinjai. Dua minggu yg lalu, sinjai ngirimin 20 ton kacang tanah ke sebuah pabrik makanan terkenal di Indonesia. Acara peluncuran perdananya lumayan heboh. Karna hal ini dianggap prestasi besar buat bidang pertanian dan pangan di Sinjai. Berhubung kacang tanah ini sudah sukses dijadikan bahan baku di sebuah perusahaan nasional, maka pamornya pun lagi naik2nya. Disekitaran kantor aja, tiap bicara soal kacang G*****, atom, dan teman2nya, org2 langsung ingat ma kacang tanah Sinjai hehehe. Jadi harap maklum kalau tiap liat iklannya di TV saya jadi spontan mikirin kacang sinjai yang 20 ton itu...piss!!
Saking HOTnya, saya jadi dpt tugas bikin advetorial kacang tanah ini untuk ditampilkan di sebuah media cetak. Mau gak mau, saya jadi membaca semua berita dan arsip tentang si kacang tanah. Walopun dah byk baca, teteup aja saya bingung sendiri harus mengangkat fakta yg mana xixixi (maaap). Jadilah saya sibuk terbayang2 kacang tanah.

Minggu ini, saya agak shock karna ternyata sdh harus mengirimkan advetorial berikutnya. Well, program unggulan apa yg seru buat dipromosiin?. Kebetulan, di Sinjai hanya ada dua kantor dinas yang (menurut opini saya) selalu sukses berinovasi, which are; Dinas Peternakan dan Dinas Perindag. Saya pun mulai menyusun list dikepala saya; dan voila....sapi perahnya peternakan ternyata sukses menandingi 100 IKM dan bakso ikannya perindag dari segi banyaknya info dan arsip yg bisa saya kumpulkan.

So, here i am, sibuk menyusun advetorial, sambil membaca, sekaligus belajar tentang sapi perah. Rasanya gak pas klo saya mempromosikan sesuatu tanpa memahami isinya. Akhirnya, kepala saya dipenuhi dengan sapi perah, susu sinjai, es krim sanshu, dan balai diklat persusuan Manipi, Sinjai Barat. Terlalu berlebihan mungkin, tapi kebiasaan menulis saya membuat hal ini jadi seperti menulis skripsi, artikel, ato fiksi yang pernah dan biasa saya kerjain. Mata dan pikiran saya jadi melompat-lompat dari satu referensi satu ke referensi lainnya; dari satu file ke file lainnya. And finally, i hope that i can finish it by sunday...! C ya Mr. Deadline.....

Orang termiskin di dunia syubidu bidu....

Sembilan belas maret 2010, jam empat sore...

Kalo kata Pak Amri, partner dikantor, seharusnya PNS dah pada pulang. Kalo masih nongkrong dikantor, brarti PELANGGARAN, hwahaha...
Backsoundnya pun nggak tanggung2, Lagu dangdut jadul,
"Jangankan gedung, gubuk pun aku tak punya...."

Dulu kalo denger lagu ini rasanya kok aneh bgt, skrg klo didengerin pasti langsung cekakak-cekikik. Abis ada ilustrasinya sih!

Deskripsi isi kantor sore ini....
Ada yg nge-blog gak jelas (THAT'S MEEE..)
Ada yg sibuk ma SPPD
Ada yg baca koran kesorean
Ada yang main poker belum kaya2
Ada yg mondar mandir ga tau mo kemana sambil menceritakan riwayat hidupnya yg aneh dan ribet
Ada yg main zuma ga tamat2
Ada yg mo sholat azhar ( dan smoga mendoakan temen2x biar taubatan nasuha...ha...ha...ha)

Sekarang waktunya nungguin es klapa muda orderan Bos, sambil menantikan .... lagu dangdut apa kira2 selanjutnya...!

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010



Can't get the AFROMAN song out of my head...

Sooooo....cuuuuuttteeeee.... someone plizz buy me this toy ;)

Love Keroro Dearimasu....

SILENCE...and something's missing!

"What's for the silence?" he said one day. And once again, SILENCE was the answer.
Living in lies, that's how i call it now.

Lying that i don't even think about it,
Lying that i don't care about it,
Lying that i'm ok with the silence,
Lying that i hate it most


Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

My NHK Today 1


(Yohei Kimura)


Yohei Kimura is a junior scriptwriter lives in Osaka, western Japan. When he was in high school, Yohei often listened to a radio show where listener could post their ideas. There was one week when the radio played his ideas 3 times in a row. That was how he started to write and dreamed to be a scriptwriter one day.

Today, he works for a radio and tv station. In radio station, he is responsible to provide information and topic to be discussed in a show. Every morning, Yohei gets up earlier. He gets up 2 or 3 am every morning to prepare the morning news program. He arrives at the office and immediately checks the early newspaper. The newspaper distributor delivers the papers to Yohei’s office earlier. Therefore, he can update the latest news and the radio will air it before the news read by public. After that, Yohei will collect the information he get. He writes list of topics he has collected and show it to the program director. Program director will finally choose one topic to discuss in their program. Another program is a comedy program called ‘Monster Engine’. Sometimes, he has to find important information based on the topic that is discussed in that program, right away when the program is aired. It’s really challenging because he only has few minutes to get it from internet. Yohei enjoys his job very much. Lots of time, he spend his days looking for unique topics. He also love to make people laugh. That’s why he likes to travel and find out new, fresh, and funny topic, for example: wordsplay.

In TV station, Yohei is lucky that he can work with Tetsuo Hikita, a famous senior scriptwriter. There are 20 writers in his division. Those 20 writers should have one interesting topic to bring to a meeting with Hikita-san. In this meeting, they discuss 20 topics from 20 writers. In the end of the meeting, Hikita-san will choose one topic to be aired two weeks later. That day, Yohei’s topic about a Tuna restaurant is chosen. So, the day when his topic is going to be aired, Yohei should prepare everything. He has to make sure that the show is smooth-sailing. It is obvious that this job challenges young people a lot. All of the young writers feel eager to find the most unique and interesting story, so their topic will be chosen for the tv program.

To work as a scriptwriter, there are various ways to start. First, you have to enter a technical school. A school that has writing or journalistic as a major subject. You can also try an apprenticeship in TV or radio station, to give you more references and experiences. After that, you can work as a freelancer and you can handle various type of scriptwriting. For this job, a scriptwriter is paid based on two regulations. The first is based on how many programs that he handles, and the second is based on the amount of material that adopted and chosen in tv and radio show. In the case of Yohei, he gets more or less $ 1200/ month.

P.S: Wish i still have NHK so i'll be able to post another MyNHKs, amiiin!!!