
Minggu, 18 April 2010



Dulu....saya gak bisa hidup tanpa nail art. Sebulan sekali pasti ganti design kuku...!! Tapi klo sekarang saya ber-nail art ria pasti bakalan lucu n kacau bgt. Sebenarnya sih gak masalah asal bisa cuek sm komen org, cuma waktunya dah ga ada, dan pekerjaan yang kadang agak "nguli" yg bikin saya ga mungkin ber-nail art lagi. Tapi dalam hati yg paling dalam (cuihh) saya kangen ber-nail art, saya rindu dengan aktivitas saya mencari ide untuk ganti design tiap bulannya...fiuhh!!!

Whatta Long Journey....

Setelah melewati perjuangan ngerayu ortu sana-sini, akhirnya sukses juga jalan dari Makassar ke Sinjai naik motor lewat Malino...hwehehehe! Dengan berbagai petuah kayak "Hati-hati di jalan", "Jangan ugal-ugalan", dll akhirnya sukses juga nyampe dengan selamat sehat walafiat. Wihh, perjalanan pertama yang unik....hehehe....Mendaki gunung, lewati lembah, menerjang kabut, jalan berlubang2...whoaaaaa!
P.S: Bwt yang nemenin, makasih perhatiannya...hontou ni arigatou....:)

Rabu, 14 April 2010

My Stuff of The Day : Toaster Pooh


Di Jepang sana ada toaster yang bisa nyetak gambar pooh di roti qta. Although sebenarnya ga ngefans sm pooh, tp harus diakui klo inovasinya menggemaskan banget. Andaikan doraemon ma hello kitty, wiih can't hardly wait 2 grab it...

See? jadi gak tega makannya...



Selasa, 13 April 2010

My crush of the day : Alice A La Mode


Pagi ini, baru tahu kalo ada satu majalah fashion Jepang yang seru bgt (actually telat coz stuff ini dah ada sbelum 2010), khusus nampilin style-nya alice in wonderland. Warnanya eye-catching banget, style-nya unik2, fotografipun keren...jadi pengen punya satu buat dikoleksi... REALLY LOVE IT!!!
Nih mau share gambar2 unik buat nambah referensi buat yang suka fashion jepang ato alice in wonderland ato buat yang sekedar pengen liat2 barang lucu...

Mainannya Shigureeeee

Pengen banget bisa punya toys ini...where can i find it???

Senin, 12 April 2010

My Anime : FURUBA

Cuma pengen share sedikit soal salah satu anime favoritku...Fruit Basket. Pinjem dikit yah wikipedia....(hontou ni arigatou...)

Fruits Basket follows the life of high-school student Tohru Honda, who was recently orphaned when her mother, Kyoko Honda, died in a car accident. After that, Tohru lived with her grandfather, but when his house needs remodeling, Tohru resorts to living in a tent in a forest and holds down a job to support herself. Despite suffering many hardships, Tohru remains optimistic.

One day, Tohru comes upon a house in the forest that is the home of her classmate Yuki Sohma and his cousin Shigure Sohma. When the Sohmas discover that Tohru is living in a tent, they are quite surprised by her inner strength. The entire area is Sohma property, and Tohru asks to be allowed to stay in her tent, but then collapses because of a fever brought on by working too hard. A landslide buries her tent, including her mother's picture and school clothes, and she moves into Shigure's house for the night. Desperate for a break from the filth of the house and takeaway meals, the Sohmas ask Tohru to become a permanent guest in the house, if she cooks and cleans. She accepts, and is being shown her room by Yuki when Kyo Sohma bursts in (through the roof) to challenge Yuki. Tohru, not knowing Yuki's strength, tries to stop Kyo by grabbing him, and as a result he transforms into a cat. She is then hit on the head with a plank of wood, and collapses into Shigure and Yuki, turning them into a dog and rat respectively.

Tohru discovers the Sohma family's secret, and the reason why Yuki is so private and secretive at school: thirteen members of the family are possessed by the 12 animal spirits of the Chinese Zodiac plus the spirit of the cat who was, according to legend, left out of the Zodiac. They transform into animals when hugged by the opposite sex or when put under a great deal of emotional or physical stress (such as being sick). When she promises to keep their secret, the Sohmas allow Tohru to keep her memories rather than hypnotically erasing them, a fate that had previously befallen anyone not "Inside" the Sohma family who had discovered the secret.

The story follows the lives of Tohru and the Sohma family as they deal with each other and a society where neither quite fits in, as well as the feared Akito Sohma, head of the Sohma family. Soon, after living with the Sohma family she began to like, then love, all of the Sohmas, and sets out to break the zodiac curse.

Animex lucuuuuu bgt, seru, pokoknya high recommended lah.... hope u like it

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Nobody told me....

Days when i meet thingz that so-not-me but feel so happy with that...
makes me believe that things not always as bad as it seems...

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Entah, gak tau, i dunno (2)

Marahan 2 bulan, baikan seminggu, marahan lagi dua hari, trus baikan lagi....so i'm just thinking when will we have our another fighting??? Entah, gak tau, i dunno ... :(